Product Details

Series: n/a
Figure Type: Bishoujo Figure
Manufacturer: Union Creative
Price: USD19.60 @ Solaris Japan

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  • Pre-Painted Figure
  • Material: ATBC-PVC, ABS
  • Height: approx. 270mm
  • Illustrator: U35
  • Paintwork: Tourmaline Gorilla
  • Sculptor: Shumekutoesu
  • Limited availability

Release Date

November 2020

Product Description

What is U35 Illustration: At the Beach Figure?

A popular illustrator, U35, has illustrated many beautiful artworks.  One of them is now reappeared by Union Creative in figure form.  That is U35 Illustration: At the Beach Figure.

By the high-level sculpting skills of Shumekutoesu, the details of illustration are fully presented in 3D form.  Can you see how detail is the straw hat?  The weave pattern of straw shows how great is the skills of Shumekutoesu while the lace pattern of camisole skirt is another focus of the figure.  Both of them are being shape clearly.

For the posture, the joyful feeling of a little girl going to the beach is totally reflected by the actions of figure.  For example, she is slightly holding up her camisole skirt and is turning around on the beach.  The figure captured this joyful moment by the wave-like status of her camisole skirt.  Meanwhile, can you see her neck?  The string is not firmly mounted on her neck but is moved up, which proved she is at the moment of turning around.  It’s so detail and so happy!

As a whole, this new figure does not only give you joyful feeling but also a refreshment.  I do believe she should be one of the best mind soups for you to take a break when you feel sad or face any difficulties.  Don’t miss the chance, she is waiting for you to put her on your working desk.  U35 Illustration: At the Beach Figure is now available for your pre-order.

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